Making Nutritional Choices in Bangkok

There’s no denying that Bangkok has established itself as a foodie paradise in Asia. The streets and sois of this amazing city are inundated with gastronomical options from within the country borders to palette-heightened options from across the region and the globe. The food scene is not only traditional, focusing on those Thai favorites; the city boasts ample opportunities to try out some of the more daring and fusion-infused cuisines where the creative minds of master chefs dazzle patrons with a kaleidoscope of options to choose from.

And when we want to dig in, we want to make sure to enjoy without exceeding indulgence levels. As we all know, everything with the word ‘too’ added to it often is less beneficial for one’s health. The food culture definitely is one of the main drivers of keeping your intake in check.

But when choices are as broad, and increasingly expanding, the choices one makes to keep your health in check become cumbersome once your taste buds crave something new. Quality and experience are truly the cornerstones for any gastronomic feast, be it street-side or roof-top based.

The principles of eating well and right remain unchanged, irrespectively which world cuisine you opt for. As we expand our database of restaurants with a true health theme, so are our parameters of ensuring you eat well, dig into some deliciousness and feel satiated. 

In collaboration with Fitness Bangkok’s nutrition experts, and foodies in their own right, here are some considerations to make when you want to explore either novel ways for culinary encounters or just head out to a local street food stall.

Go for places where there is a crowd

Like many other nationalities, quality is key. Bangkokians are sensitive to staying away from restaurants where the quality is below average. The word of inadvisable restaurants spreads fast across the socials and thus, caution on this level may be a prerequisite. A stable flow of people enjoying what’s on the menu generally is a sign that you’re in for a winner.

Opt for restaurants with vegetable dishes

We are purveyors of the fibers and the good food that brings benefits to our health. The science behind eating enough vegetables is rock solid, and so should your plate look. While an escape for a quick noodle dish, stir-fried in a thick layer of less-than-preferred cooking oil is an experience on its own, adding enough veggies is almost a prerequisite.

Topping it up with some good quality protein and you’re hitting a home run.

Be cautious not to overeat

Bangkok tends to draw in a crowd of food connoisseurs and those following the culinary paths of this frenetic city. With so many choices, curiosity to try it all comes with some consequences. Even the desire to order more than you can chew at one of our recommendable health restaurants needs to be treated with caution. 

Eat when you are full; this mantra remains and retains its value, even when opting for healthier dishes.

Fitness Bangkok knows the finest restaurants with a great track record of tantalizing tastebuds with a healthy undertone. Have a browse through our featured ones on our website and enjoy!

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